Osteoporosis, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Products, Cape Town

Osteoporosis and pH, and Acidosis:

OSTEOPOROSIS AND pH Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with… Continue Reading…

Cancer, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Products, Cape Town

Cancer and the pH of Your Body pt2

CANCER AND THE PH OF YOUR BODY (part 2) Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal… Continue Reading…

Health trio, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Health Products, Cape Town, SA

Using the Health Products Trio

How to use all three health products together Alkaline pH Booster, Ascorbic & Chelation: Ideally all three products should be… Continue Reading…

pH Testing, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Products, Cape Town

Youthing means testing your own pH

YOUTHING MEANS TESTING YOUR OWN pH. “pH paper strips to measure acid/alkaline pH balance belong in every family medicine kit,… Continue Reading…

Rhematoid Arthritis, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Products, Cape Town

Rheumatoid Arthritis & pH

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND pH Staying for an extended time in the acid pH state can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes,… Continue Reading…

Ageing, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Products, Cape Town

Ageing and Acidosis

AGEING AND ACIDOSIS Acidosis is one of the main reasons our bodies age! Modern science has revealed that the cause… Continue Reading…

Osteoporosis, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Products, Cape Town

Osteoporosis and pH

OSTEOPOROSIS AND PH Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with… Continue Reading…

Cancer, Youthing, Anti-ageing, Look Younger, Health, Maureen Boddy, Organic, Natural, Products, Cape Town


CANCER AND THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING YOUR pH. Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells… Continue Reading…