About Maureen
Maureen Boddy = Youthing cc
About Maureen:
Maureen Boddy was born in England in 1945. She passed a scholarship and attended a prestigious Convent School for Girls, in Darlington, England.
She studied Pre Primary teaching (NNEB) and opened a private school where the focus was on teaching children through praise, and encouragement, to achieve more than the regular curriculum, e.g. 3 year old children could read basic words and simple books, using the Glenn Doman method.
In the evenings she studied fashion, design, pattern-making and art, and obtained her teacher’s diploma at the local Technical College, whilst running her preschool in the mornings.
Maureen married her childhood sweetheart, Terry, in 1965. They have 3 children and are proud grandparents of eight grandchildren. The family emigrated from England to South Africa in 1974.
In 1975, she opened a private pre-primary school/creche in Cape Town. This was during the Apartheid era and, as it was a non-racial school, she was often in trouble with local authorities, until she befriended the visiting health officer and social childhood workers and they too became ‘colour blind’.
In 1979 she started a small clothing factory, designing and producing gym wear and custom-made bathing-costumes, called: Boddywear’ She started with two part time staff members which grew into twenty-one full time staff. She ran the school and factory concurrently until 1990, and then continued only with ‘Boddywear’ until 1999, with both the school and factory sold – after 20 years it was time for a new season.
Having so often been invited to do public speaking, she decided to devote more time to her seminar workshops.
She wrote two books on marriage: ‘I Too have a Brain’ for women, and ‘His Cave’ for men written in sonnet form and published in 1996.
Her next two books were on Health and Longevity: ‘Know the Truth’, and ‘Youthing, Reversing the ageing process’. ‘Medical Follies’ followed. New and updated editions on all books will be available shortly.
Youthing: Registered as a cc company 28/10/2010. The title is a neologism meaning “the opposite of ageing”.
Maureen has also broadcast on many radio programs, including the marriage series: Self Worth and Self Esteem; Acceptance, Admiration and Appreciation; Communication – Romance; Forever Young and Know the Truth.
Since 2010 her focus turned to sharing the knowledge she gained after decades of studying senescence, health and nutrition and being an example of living a Youthing life.
Youthing Products:
Maureen always had a super-sensitive skin and used only the most natural products she could find. A horrid reaction to a well-known brand of so called ‘natural’ face products, inspired her to research and delve deep into the beauty and skin care industry.
She was horrified by the dangerous often carcinogenic ingredients in skincare products being sold, also that the deceit is compounded by clever marketing. Companies often ask over-inflated prices, so people will be led to believe, because it is so expensive, that it must be a superior product.
After years of research and accumulated knowledge she decided to make her own 100% natural, organic products for her own use. Strangers, and people at seminars, often asked her which skin products she used. When she told them that she makes her own they started persuading her to make these products to sell. Before she did so, she gave them as gifts. She needed to know how they would react on people with a variety of skin problems. She found candidates with Rosacea, Eczema, Acne and Psoriasis to test the cream.
The feedback was so encouraging she gave cream to a microbiologist at the CSIR who had struggled with problem skin. Her skin reacted so well she could not believe it, or the price tag of the product. This was how Youthing Skin Care Range was born, with a view to be born global.
A range of Optimum Health products are also sold under the Youthing brand – the reason for developing these are covered in detail in her book: ‘Youthing, reversing the ageing process’.
For more information on all products go to the Product’s page, and/or Product Information page, click on a product to view its details.
Pilates and Back Injury
Maureen studied Pilates, isometric movement and dynamic tension (IT), and she teaches Pilates in her studio in Durbanville.
Her classes are fun, but with strict attention to the safety of each student. See Pilates page for more information.
Wedding dress still fits perfectly after 58 years!
More than 58 years ago Maureen married her childhood sweetheart, Terry.
Wedding day: July 10th, Darlington, England 1965

Each year, on their wedding anniversary, Maureen puts on her wedding dress.
The beautiful dress still fits like a glove!
Photos on the left were taken on 10th July 2023.

Photo on left are from 2022
Photo on the right is Terry, Maureen’s husband. To quote Maureen: “Not bad for 78!”

Weeding dress fits her perfectly!
Photos on the left were taken in 2020.
Oxidane (PTY) Ltd:
Maureen’s research into water quality and concern for the millions, especially children dying of waterborne diseases culminated in her life’s greatest achievement. A partnership with a brilliant chemical analyst, which led to the development of a totally chlorine and ozone free product water purification product which they named ONCE, an acronym for: Ozone, No Chlorine Environment.
The results were tested and proven by the CSIR. Few people know the body pH is the most important aspect of their health because the body is 70% water, and all major organs and systems of the body depend on this salient fact.
They were due to go into production in February 2020 but COVID has slowed down this exciting project.
To learn more, visit the website: Oxidaneworld.com