Heart Disease, Cholesterol and the Lipid Theory…
For almost 60 years, this “lipid theory” has been used as the medical explanation and treatment for cardiovascular disease. A pharmacist Mike Ciell explained the lipid theory this way. It sums up everything that is wrong with the treatment of heart disease.
Dr Mike Ciell “Simply put, the Lipid Theory puts forward that a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat will cause ‘gooey’ substances (cholesterols) to be deposited in the blood vessels, clogging them up. Clogged blood vessels clearly restrict blood flow to the heart, ultimately causing angina. Eventually a piece or ‘clot’ will break loose, causing a mini a stroke or a full-blown heart attack.
Conventional thinking has centred on removing ‘causative’ agents – cholesterol and bad fats — to stop coronary heart disease. For decades we have used diet and drugs to attempt to reach ever-lowering ‘cholesterol levels’ recommended by the American Heart Association.
So, what’s wrong with the Lipid Theory?
Any plumber looking at the Lipid Theory model would say, “It simply doesn’t make sense.” [pg 175]
Let’s start by thinking about ‘sludge’ in a plumbing system. Sludge tends to plug up the smallest pipes in the system first—not the largest.
Likewise, if the system is cardiovascular, you would expect sludge (plaques) to build up first in the capillaries and arterioles, long before appearing in the carotid and coronary arteries.
The first blockages, similarly, you would expect to occur way downstream of the pump, not in close proximity to the heart, where the pressure is the greatest.
CHOLESTEROL & Lp(a) Lipoprotein
When autopsied, plaques have been analysed, they are found to contain cholesterol, but of a very particular type.
The offending cholesterol is a highly oxidised variety of LDL cholesterol attached to a specific protein (Apo A). The whole complex is called Lipoprotein A or Lp(a).
Avoiding saturated fat, using ‘healthy’ polyunsaturated oils, and building a diet on a base of carbohydrates (grains, breads, and starchy veggies) has been drummed into us by well-meaning authorities, including the Heart Association, and the Diabetes Association
Yet, it is a basic physiological fact that all carbohydrates are metabolised to glucose. If glucose is not used for fuel, it is automatically converted to and stored as saturated fat. 176
Telling people to avoid eating saturated fat – while simultaneously telling them to eat food that will be converted into saturated fat — fails a basic logic test.
I will argue, it is not the real problem.’ LDL has been called the bad or ‘lethal’ cholesterol, while HDL is considered the ‘healthy’ cholesterol. I’m afraid this is nothing but nonsense. There is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cholesterol. LDL and HDL are just two different types of cholesterol carriers. – Dr Mike Ciell
There are many other medical research papers written that agree with this hypothesis. There are 63 you may want to investigate. Too many to include in this book.
The above is an exact excerpt from Maureen Boddy’s book: “Youthing: Look Younger, Stay Healthier, Live Longer.”